Helpful Tools and Information
The following tools are designed to help you better understand your divorce options. Court appearances are costly in time, money and emotion because the adversarial court system often pits one family member against another. With the help of CCD Professionals, you can resolve your situation in the best way possible for your entire family, preserving your relationships and financial resources.
Is Collaborative Divorce Right for You?
To find out if you should pursue a cooperative rather than a litigated divorce, ask yourself these questions.
What are Your Divorce Needs?
CCD can help you with decisions about your marriage, filing for divorce or separation, negotiating issues, working on a marital settlement agreement, or modifying an agreement post-divorce.
Free Orientation with a CCD Professional
To learn more about the CCD approach, any CCD Professional can provide you with a Free Orientation by phone or e-mail.
The Glossary
Provides more information and definitions of divorce terms, disciplines, and profession roles.
To find out if you should pursue a cooperative rather than a litigated divorce, ask yourself these questions.
What are Your Divorce Needs?
CCD can help you with decisions about your marriage, filing for divorce or separation, negotiating issues, working on a marital settlement agreement, or modifying an agreement post-divorce.
Free Orientation with a CCD Professional
To learn more about the CCD approach, any CCD Professional can provide you with a Free Orientation by phone or e-mail.
The Glossary
Provides more information and definitions of divorce terms, disciplines, and profession roles.